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The Global Opportunities for Associations (GOA) Program has supported ATAC International Business Development Marketing Strategy (IBD) outreach to the international aviation community for the last 10 years. Using GOA, ATAC is able to identify vital opportunities that are on the horizon in foreign markets. International pilot training now represents 45% of the professional pilot training delivered in Canada. The result of this inflow of foreign dollars has been dramatic for the Flight Training Industry. The amount of activity in aircraft upgrades and purchasing of new simulator technology in all sizes of Flight Schools has been unprecedented over the last 30 years. 

In addition to the inflow of foreign students, the availability of reasonably priced high fidelity simulator technology has allowed medium sized FTU's the opportunity to obtain the latest technology, within a reasonable payback timeframe. For International students this is the best case scenario. Access to the one of the best Flight Training communities in the world with the latest technology available allows foreign students the ability to reach their goals of becoming professional pilots in a timely and cost effective manner.

The ATAC International Business Development Strategy has the foundational building blocks which will continue to develop and promote Canada as the number one destination for Professional Pilot Training in the world.

© 2024 Association du transport aérien du Canada

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